Crypto Funded Infrastructure

Help us build and populate independent networks for our clients.

How CFI's Work

The team at DeFli Networks will agree contract terms with an end-user. The contract will be fixed term, fixed value and require a specific number of DeFli Devices based on our surveys.

To "remote host" a DeFli Device under this contract you will be required to acquire an NFT per DeFli Device. The price is always 0.2 ETH (subject to change based on price movements of greater than 10%).

To calculate the returns from the contract/network per device you should look at the value per month, the length of the contract and the number of devices within the network.

On the 30th day of each calendar month you will be presented with the opportunity to take your yield in either USDC or $FLI. The amount of $FLI per NFT is determined by the contribution in revenues that the project provides to DeFli Network.

At the end of the contract you will be able to choose to move your device(s) to any open contract.

You will be able to access your device specific metrics and location data.

This methodology allows us to immediately reinvest in further hardware production without the delays arising from amortizing hardware costs across the contract life cycle.

Open Projects

Project Name: Ukraine

Start Date: 10.01.24

Length: Rolling 30 day agreement

Devices Required: 4,000

Monthly Revenue: $1,496,000

Pegged Rate: $14.96 per sub token

Subtoken per NFT- 25

Monthly Return- $372.50

NFT Cost: 0.2 ETH

Project Name: SW Zone

Start Date: 09.01.24

Length: 12 months

Devices Required: 442

Monthly Revenue: $245,000

Pegged Rate: $2.45 per sub token

Subtoken per NFT: 226

Monthly Return: $554.29

NFT Cost: 0.2 ETH

Notes: Forming an air corridor in Louisiana and Texas, self hosts must be based in these states.

Project Name: Pipelines

Start Date: 10.19.24

Length: 12 months with 36 month extension

Devices Required: 210

Monthly Revenue: $244,970

Pegged Rate: $2.44 per sub token

Subtoken per NFT: 476

Monthly Return: $1161

NFT Cost: 0.2 ETH

Notes: Providing drone detection services along a Natural Gas Pipeline including 59 compressor station's. Note that this project has been in part subsidized by state legislature.

Closed Projects

Project Name: Paris OC

Start Date: 07.24.24

Length: 39 Days

Devices Required: 62

Monthly Revenue: $804,000

NFT Cost: 0.2 ETH

Project Name: ThaiMC

Start Date: 09.30.23

Length: 210 Days

Devices Required: 355

Monthly Revenue: $137,000

NFT Cost: 0.2 ETH

Project Name: SAMGOV

Start Date: 07.30.24

Length: 180 days

Devices Required: 12

Monthly Revenue: $38,400

NFT Cost: 0.2 ETH

Project Name: EPL

Start Date: 08.12.24

Length: 36 months, active August to May

Devices Required: 100

Monthly Revenue: $34,500

Project Name: SPAIN PRIV

Start Date: 09.12.24

Length: 24

Devices Required: 48

Monthly Revenue: $60,000

Project Name: High Seas

Start Date: 10.04.24

Length: 24 months

Devices Required: 72

Monthly Revenue: $69,768