Data Connector
For Raspberry Pi or Ubuntu
Follow these instructions to install the data connector on your DeFli Ground Station.
Step 1: Run this script from your command line
bash <(curl -sL
Note on some Ubuntu and Debian builds you may get an error, to correct this error run this command before re-running the previous command
sudo apt install build-essential git curl
Step 2: Run this command to tell your Pi to free up memory quicker than usual
node-red-pi --max-old-space-size=256
Step 3: Run this command to enable autostart on boot
sudo systemctl enable nodered.service
Step 4: Run this command to start node-red
Step 5: Access the node-red editor at
When browsing from another machine you should use the hostname or IP-address of the Pi: http://<hostname>:1880. You can find the IP address by running hostname -I on the Pi.
Configuring Node-Red
This process will configure Node to send your data to DeFli and also provide you with the DeFli Map interface.
Step 1: Open up a new pallete and click on the hamburger menu icon
Step 2: Click on the "nodes" tab and then click "install"
Step 3: Install the following nodes: "Worldmap" and "InfluxDB"
Step 4: Choose one of the below scripts, note you need to change the latitude and longitude within the script, this is highlighted in red. Copy the script text
Windows Script
Step 5: Open the "import" dialogue box and paste the script you have just copied, this will produce a "flow".
Step 6: Click on the first step of the flow called "input". Enter the details as follows:
Name: Defli
Version: 2.0
Token: This is your bespoke API Key from your DeFli Wallet
Tick "verify server certificate"
Step 6: Click on the flow element named "influxdb out node" and change the settings to:
Name: Defli
Server: [v2.0] Defli
Organization: Defli Data
Bucket: This is your GS' UUID from your DeFli Wallet
Measurement: adsbicaoNEW
Time Precision: Milliseconds
Then press update and you are all set. You will be able to view the DeFli map from your browser and incorporate cool functions from the menu such as heatmap and rainfall as well as choosing from various color schemes.